Sunday, February 6, 2011

Unfortunate Cookies - Shawn Dougan

Friday, February 4, 2011

Life of Shawn Dougan Stories

Here I am!
My birth was turbulent to say the least.
I was born at Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital in Hollywood, California on September 2, 1967.

When I was born, the umbilical cord was wrapped around my neck and I came out purple and gasping for air, I nearly died! That would be unfortunate considering the fact that if I had never been born you would not be reading this right now and wouldn't that be a big disappointment? (haha!).
Anyway,after coming into this world with a limited amount of oxygen the doctor decided to call my Father into the other room and explain things to him. The doctor said, "Mr. Dougan,because of the fact that your baby Son had a limited amount of oxygen when he was born due to the fact that the cord was wrapped around his neck I cannot tell whether or not there will be permanent brain damage."...
And well, here I AM! (true story, no lie). 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hello Again!

Hey it's been quite some time since I've been on here, I think I'll start blogging for real...soon...I have a lot to share.

I have been giving my website a major facelift recently and I've been adding more artists, actors, and musicians and so on so that I can establish a prescence on the web.
Global Arts Awareness

Also, I now own four domain names which are up for sale on Wish me luck!

Go to my home page to check things out when you have time.